Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ok, just quickly - this is the response I sent to A -

Hey you!I know you are super busy, please don't worry about me - although I am always thinking about you and absolutely LOVE to hear from you, I am not in that same creepy, insecure place I was a few months ago... really. hehe.

I didn't get your mom's email, but I need to send her one anyway. When I sent the message about Thanksgiving, I didn't want to intrude on any family things you have going on - but having said that, I would also love to meet the rest of your family.

Are you going to get some time to play this weekend? It sounds like the school workload is going to be too much to allow you to have a job? I have so many questions but I know you don't really have a ton of time so I'll save them 'till I see you =) Coffee maybe, just you and I?
Anyway, have a wonderful weekend - I leave for California on Monday and won't be back till Friday. Though it's a work trip - there's usually copious amounts of wine consumed =D hopefully it's nice there!

I love you and miss you like CRAZY!

Smile and nod C, Smile and nod.

It hurts too much

I finally got a message from A! It's been 10 days- I could tell you the hours and minutes, but you'd think I was a creeper. It was a short message, but I'll take what I can get.

I emailed him on the 5th of September to see what his availability was for the Thanksgiving long weekend (October 8th 'cause I'm in Canada - eh), I have no more holidays this year from work so I have to squeeze any visits I can into long weekends. Anyway, since he hadn't responded, I had pretty much written it off and was thinking about the November long weekend instead - which my husband was happy about because funds are low right now.

So his message today says sorry for taking so long to respond - he is really busy and that his mom emailed me about Thanksgiving (I haven't gotten anything) and they would love to have us for Thanksgiving as he wants us to meet his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandpa. Ok, ok, ok... I think I really do have to change my blog title to Ungrateful 1st mom because although I was happy to get a message, and I was happy that we can spend some time with him next month - I was sad that it will be with his family. I really thought I did a good job of hiding my pain when his mom was out - but this confirms it - he has no idea. For that I am glad.

I am really wanting to have a relationship with his family, what could be better for him? I liken it to my girls' dad, who quite frequently is in my kitchen having a beer with my husband when I come home from work - we make it work for the kids. There is no tug of war for loyalty. My youngest daughter loves me to death but she is a daddy's girl through and through. I digress... what I'm getting at is that it would be great for him to feel that we are all a family - and we are. The reason I'm having difficulties is that I just don't know I can do it again so soon. It hurts too much.

It's not just that. I have learned much in the last 6 months.. and one of those things is that 1st mom's are not held up on that pedastal that they put us on when we were pregnant. Nooooooo, that was clearly kicked out from under me the moment I signed those papers! I hear it all the time. My neighbour whom I love, said her cousin was adopted and found her "birthmother" she said that it was uncomfortable for them all when they met her and basically indicated that this woman didn't raise her and therefore they were appalled that she would be involved in her life. That was before she knew I was a "birthmother". I was at a support group meeting the other night, in which I mentioned that it hurt having A's mom at our house, seeing her be his mom and knowing that I will never be her and an adoptive mom went up one side of me and down the other about how she (A's mom) was there for him through thick and thin and didn't I think that counted for something?! I wasn't saying that it didn't, I wasn't saying she wasn't his mom, I was saying that it hurts that I am not her. Thats all. I left there again feeling that I am nothing. That I do not deserve to have a relationship with A. That I don't deserve anything except the misery I have lived in for 19 years. I don't want to go there and be in a room full of people who think that I am nothing - that I have no right to have a relationship with my son - their son. But I will - for A. I will smile and nod, I will tell everyone how grateful I am that A grew up in their family and not mine because "clearly I made the right choice" and I will die a little more inside.

...I will be grateful that I can see my son's beautiful blue eyes, hear him laugh and watch him be his amazing self.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Unsure of the "Rules"

I'm sitting here at work with a million things to do, and only one thing on my mind. I haven't heard from A in over 5 days. I know for many that wouldn't be a concern, but I used to get at least a text message every day. I've sent 2 messages that he didn't respond to but chalked it up to back to school busyness however, now I'm starting to worry that I've done something to upset him. I don't want to send the stupid "did I do something wrong?" email or phone call for that matter, and I hate obsessing over it. I check my messages every 15 minutes I'm sure, and each time his name isn't there, my heart sinks again. The scariest thing for me is that ever since he left with his mom after their visit(in August) his messages (the ones he has left) have been very short. I hate feeling this insecure about things. I hate that I worry all the time that I'm going to lose him again. My heart physically hurts - that can't be good for a person. I think the worst thing is that I don't know what the "right thing" to do is. Do I send him quick little emails just letting him know I'm thinking about him (which is what I'm doing) or do I give him space and wait till' he contacts me (then I feel like I'm playing games)? I just so desperately want to make sure that I'm not upsetting him or making things too difficult. I need a reunion rule book - something to guide me through.